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What We Believe

What is the Lutheran Church?

The name “Lutheran” comes from Martin Luther, a German priest of the 1500’s, who helped the Christian Church rediscover the Good News, “For it is by grace (God’s undeserved favour) you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God – not by good deeds – so that no one can boast.”    (Ephesians 2:8-9)

As Lutherans, we believe…

  • That the true God is three in one and one in three,  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;

  • That the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and the only source of our teaching and faith

  • That every person is by nature sinful and that without forgiveness, is lost to eternity;

  • That God loved the world and sent His Son to suffer and die for our sins and rise again to be our Saviour;

  • That God forgives and saves all who repent and confess Jesus Christ as their Saviour;

  • That in Holy Baptism, intended for old and young alike, God washes away our sin and adopts us into His family, the church;

  • That in Holy Communion we believe in the real presence of Christ, that He gives to us forgiveness of sins and strengthens our  faith;

  • That, in response to God’s love, forgiveness and salvation, we seek to live a God-pleasing life; and

  • That those who die in Christ enter heaven at the time of death;

  • That Jesus Christ will come again to raise our bodies from the dead.

The teachings of the Lutheran church, drawn from the Scriptures, are most clearly summarized in the Small Catechism of Martin Luther. Click here to learn more!

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